Shlach - Gimmel Tammuz Sermon
בס"ד Sermon for Shlach/Gimmel Tammuz — From the Rebbe’s Torah — Humor to begin with: I met a utility worker and he told me, “I'm a 5G installation engineer, and people are constantly accusing me with bizarre conspiracy theories, such as how 5G is giving them headaches, or covid. I think they are completely crazy. “4G must've fried their brains…” * It may seem to some that religion must solely be a matter of faith . Is using our minds with regard to religion a contradiction to religion? * The answer in short, is no. Our brains help us connect to things in an internal and deep way — causing us to enjoy it. G-d actually wants us to connect to him in an internal way. When we understand some of the reasoning behind those mitzvos which G-d wants us to understand, we do the mitzvos with more feeling and passion. We make it our own. When we understand some of G-d’s greatness, and how he created the world, we feel in awe of G-d, and serve him with ...